Furthermore, a similar ambivalence also appeared when Watkin’s parents thought of the impact of reading on her. They ensured she had access to books, but in at the same time, they thought if she read too much, it would drive her insane. Their inconsistent attitude had took years for her not to learn, and it took her couple of years to understand why her parents thought in this way. Because for such socioeconomic status family, having a child who was changing her class experience and background was hard to get used to in the first time. That is why she felt away from her family mentally. But literally, the attitude of Watkin’s parents did teach her a lot of in this process, such as learning to value various skills and talents of folks not exposed to professional knowledge like her. She also struggled to maintain the relationships with her parents via relating and sharing thoughts and experiences they all have in common. These above contradictions and the ways she overcame them had formed Watkin’s personality to some extent.
According to Watkin’s opinion, the idea that most of us are mixtures of values and contradictions coming from our parents, is obviously true for most people. I think most of us are