My personal kettlebells are one fifty-five pounder, two seventy-two pounders and two one hundred-five pounders. This allows for very strenuous workouts. The lack of incremental weight is compensated for by adjusting the time under tension and other variables involved in increasing the resistance involved.One of the biggest dangers that everyone training with kettlebells should be aware of is that because many of the movements are explosive and involve lifting the kettlebells overhead, caution needs to be taken in making sure that the kettlebells are always under your control and this takes practice before getting used to it enough to perform the exercises with heavy weight in a safe and secure manner.Kettlebell Training Motivation.I've always said, for me, the best motivation with kettlebell and fitness training is just doing it. Once you enjoy doing it then it becomes easy to form a positive habit and get hooked. The biggest hurdle is setting it up to exercise regularly.The best strategy for setting this up is to is find a place where you won't be disturbed, remember this is YOUR time. Then get rid of all distractions, turn off the …show more content…
Do a proper cool down and remind your self of the great training you've had.Acknowledge that you have done it and that you are succeeding.The better you understand the hidden aspects that keep you going and get you to your goals the better your chance of attaining those goals and enjoying the process.Do this often enough for about a month and you'll not only see great results, you'll form a habit that will make it easier for you to stick with.It's important to have a strong reason why you are training as this is one of the strongest motivating factors there is and I can think of no better reason to train then the "high" the training brings as well as the improved conditioning.Remember, the more you enjoy the process the more likely you are to stick with it and succeed.What's Behind The Kettlebell Revolution?Over the past few years the popularity of kettlebell training has