Kim Jong-un is said to be the worst one of all, he is known to be greedy and brutal treatments of people. When Kim Jong-un first came in the dictator one of the first things he did after the death of his father he killed his uncle. He killed him because his uncle his uncle was in charge of his becoming dictator and …show more content…
I do not get the point of a rehabilitation camp if you will just die. The united nation has a a company called international criminal court it is in charge of the crimes against humanity. Have been how to get rid of the North Korean dictator's camera. But he does not admit that the camps are there even though there is profe satellite image. It also says that escaped prisoners are lying about their experience. But all the prisoners had the exact same experience in the camp so therefore the camps are real …show more content…
One day one lucky day he discovered some kernels of corn and a small pile of cow manure. This town was vacated they went back to clean it up and he found a jacket with money and he was able to bribe the guard for more food. Mr Shin said I was taken to a room filled with torture instruments. “I would striped my legs were cuffed and my hands were tied with a rope I was hung from the ceiling from the rope”. “The guard lit a cool fire and put it right under my back”. “He hit me with a steel pole wale the fire was under me I past out I was hung for two or three