The king cobra has a very unique defense system. Any time the cobra feels confronted, it will raise up one third of its body and open up their hood. If the enemy comes to close, the cobra will let out a terrifying hiss, and might bite them. The neurotoxic venom that is in the cobra's bite is strong enough to kill twenty people or one elephant. After thirty minutes of being bitten, the victim will die …show more content…
You could normally find a cobra in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Middle East, and Africa. Areas that you may see cobras are also in the philippines, Malaysia, China, Imelia Burma, and India. They live amongst these areas, because the cobras like to be in hot or tropical areas such as savannahs, grasslands, forests, and farming areas. Many cobras build their homes in underground tunnels, under rocks, in the trees, or in water.
The King cobra has an amazing body type. They have smooth black scales and round pupils. As a part of defense, the have a hood that they can lower when they want. These snakes can grow to be eighteen feet (five point five meters) and live to be twenty years old. The cobras have an excellent sense of smell and night vision, but they are deaf to any ambient noses. Instead, they use the ground vibrations to tell where things are and how they are moving.
The king cobra is an unique snake that has many wonderful features. The cobra has a powerful bite that can kill prey in minutes. They live in the asian countries in the grassy areas. They can grow up be eighteen feet long! Overall, this animal is just fascinating in