I think Tut was killed far away from his home land. Tut’s tomb was not ready yet because he was healthy and nobody expected for him to die so suddenly. His coffin was also made for another king but it was used for Tut since he needed it suddenly. Tut was also very young about 19 at his age of death and was not ready to die like an old …show more content…
Many of the artifacts inside of the tomb suggest that they were not meant for him. And inside of his tomb there was no paintings or drawings of Ankhesenamun. Ankhesenamun was not painted on the wall of the tomb because he arranged for him to be on the wall instead of ankhesenamun.
Another theory that I have is that King Tut was racing chariots with somebody and started to get a lot of speed so he couldn't control the chariot anymore so he fell of and got ran over resulting in his ribs breaking his bone fragment and the cut in his cheek. Another theory that I have is that he committed suicide because he was done with the pressures of being king of Egypt. He could have killed himself by jumping off of a cliff far away from home and that resulted in him breaking his ribs, getting a bone fragment on his upper leg and the huge cut on his cheek.
My theory on how King Tut died or was killed is that he was killed by Aye because he wanted to rule Egypt. He could have also committed suicide because he didn't want to have all the responsibilities of being king at a young age. He might have could have just been trying to have fun racing chariots with somebody and he lost control, and the chariot could have ran him over and injured him badly enough to kill