Responsible to coordinate administrative and communications functions at the site. The JFSoc room will be established by UA, but managed, or "run", by the NTSB. Representatives from the relevant response organizations (NTSB, Airline, American Red Cross, DOS,
DOJ, FEMA, local authorities) will establish their command centers here and meet daily to coordinate all activities involving the response, recovery and family assistance.
_Update the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and
Telephone Enquiry Centre (TEC) Director on status at the site.
Provide space, logistical support and communications for the assisting federal staff. Establish room with all operational equipment necessary for a command center (computers, telephones, copy machine, fax machine, etc.). Keep in mind that most responders in this room will more than likely bring their|aptops,SoenSUrethatinternetacceSSisavai|ab|e.1,./ -Reference diagrams in this chapter for tayout samples. wj^ lti h
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JFSOC Team Manager manner so other when discussing a topic. Collect and names, numbers, location and status of all passengers involved in the incident.
_Coordinate personnel, expenses and security for all site f unctions.
_Attend the NTSB Daily Briefing and be prepared to recap ano report the status of following:
. Number of total family members at the hotel.
. Number of Special Assistance Team Members on-site and their locations.
_Collect data from allTeam Managers and repoft:
. Number of families expected to arrive within the next
24 hrs.
. Number of families expected to depan within the next
24 hrs.
_Attend the Daily