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Samantha Georgevich

Why a cat bite can send u to the hospital stay

Cat lovers might want to take some caution the next time they tempt the wrath of their favorite feline. A new study produced by the Mayo Clinic has found that cat bites are potentially more serious than most individuals, and medical experts, previously thought. In fact, about 30 percent of people seeking medical treatment for a cat bite need hospitalization to treat the wounds.

Cat bite injuries to the hand can progress to serious infection. The treatment of such infections often requires hospitalization, intravenous antibiotic therapy, and operative treatment. These findings should increase concern for a severe infection and warrant hospitalization and urgent consultation with a hand surgeon.

In most cases, a cat bite isn't serious. Cats have smaller teeth than larger pets like dogs and rarely are able to tear the skin. However, a cat bite poses a threat almost like a needle injection. On the surface, the bite might not appear to pose a health risk, but the deep puncture wound may have left dangerous bacteria inside a person’s body and if the bite is located on one of the hand’s joints, the body’s immune system is less likely to be able to flush out or attack the source of infection.

This is for the safety of our people. Most people wouldn't know that a cat could conflict this much damage to us. We have interview some people and only two out of the 6 people believe this story. Alannah Brown and Noah Jahr
7th grader said" It doesn't sound realistic." also a 7th grader said" It doesn't sound it could really happen." While two o Isabella Phillips and Jared Bitterman said " I'd believe it" and I think it would be true."

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