Even though they exist for the same purpose, the weapons and armor are actually very different between knights and samurai. For example, the samurai's armor were metal plates that were both bendable for them to move, and strong enough to block attacks. The samurai also has a horrific mask that they use to look menacing in the face of their enemy. With the mask the samurai are allowed to traumatize their enemy so they can attack them with a couple extra seconds to spare. They also have a kimono under their armor. The knight’s armor on the other hand are not the same, it covers more of the body because they are not plates like the samurai. The knights armor is different because they don’t have that menacing mask like the samurai, their helmets were …show more content…
Knights and samurai each had their own way of treating women. One example is that the knights treated women with the respect they rightfully deserve. They do this because of their code of chivalry which is putting the acts of ladies in front of your own. If you were a woman married to a knight, you would have a lovely gentlemen that respects you like a person. The only downside to this is that you will not have the freedom to be a knight if you wanted to. However, for the samurai, women were allowed to become these warriors and fight for their shogun. Of course, there is a catch, if you were a woman married to a samurai, you would tend to the need of every man in the house. So either way, women don’t get