Although he is pro abortion, people wouldn't need to be stuck in situations where they cannot take care of their own child if they hadn't put themselves in those situations. Because of the reckless decisions people make, there are always going to be consequences, and through consequences more wrong choices take place. If people turn to God in their time of need, then he will be able to help us make the right decisions, and if not, God will always have the power to give us the necessary supplies to take care of ourselves and our children. Because I'm only seventeen years old and in high school, I struggle to make it through a day without falling for one of satins temptations, or even one of his ideas he puts in my head. Before I started to follow God I was in the worst of places, and I had hated most of everybody I had met. Because of this I was always depressed and angry at the world wanting it to cease to exist. However, when I truly started to follow God, my eyes were opened, and now I understand that it's not the people that cause me harm, but the sin itself that I should be angry with. I believe Korda is so angry at the world that he created a religion against humans themselves. Because Korda doesn't know who God is, he will continue to be angry with the world, but without truly understanding why he feels the way he does. Because God is graceful, he understands our troubles and needs, and that means he's
Although he is pro abortion, people wouldn't need to be stuck in situations where they cannot take care of their own child if they hadn't put themselves in those situations. Because of the reckless decisions people make, there are always going to be consequences, and through consequences more wrong choices take place. If people turn to God in their time of need, then he will be able to help us make the right decisions, and if not, God will always have the power to give us the necessary supplies to take care of ourselves and our children. Because I'm only seventeen years old and in high school, I struggle to make it through a day without falling for one of satins temptations, or even one of his ideas he puts in my head. Before I started to follow God I was in the worst of places, and I had hated most of everybody I had met. Because of this I was always depressed and angry at the world wanting it to cease to exist. However, when I truly started to follow God, my eyes were opened, and now I understand that it's not the people that cause me harm, but the sin itself that I should be angry with. I believe Korda is so angry at the world that he created a religion against humans themselves. Because Korda doesn't know who God is, he will continue to be angry with the world, but without truly understanding why he feels the way he does. Because God is graceful, he understands our troubles and needs, and that means he's