ENG 221
Corporate Memo
Based on the memo for Kudler Fine Foods, a new point of sale system is being implemented into the company’s three retail locations. The organization of the memo is decent at best. The memo is not very detailed or clear on all the expectations from corporate. The sentence structure itself is also lacking clarity, making it hard to fully understand. “While the vendor has training materials and will train our trainer, we need to determine the best way to train the cashiers in the three stores, the management team in each store and the computer support specialists.” This sentence alone is very confusing, who is doing the training? Is there going to be a class at each location or all in one location? What type of training is being recommended by corporate, it seems they are leaving the training in the hands of each store. …show more content…
The organization of the training program is very vague and not very efficient for the company.
The same information is practically repeated throughout the sentence. This memo is also in the expository writing method. There is not much technical aspects of the memo that give any information about the new system. The tone of the memo is very lackadaisical. The author is not very concerned with how the training is administered.
I was not very impressed with this memo. I did not quite understand what the author was trying to get across as far as training. All I know is that there is a new POS system and training in the system will eventually be offered or will have to be learned on their own. I have dealt with many memo’s over the years and this one is probably one of the worse ones I have seen.
The memo would have come across much better if it was grammar checked, and specified of the training schedule, location, and times for each retail location. The memo could have been written more like
“Kudler Fine Foods will be implementing a new Point of Sale (POS) system, NCR RealPOS. Each of the three retail centers will be converted over to the new system by the beginning of May 2012. Our company trainer will be conducting training sessions with each center starting April 10th. The training sessions will be as follows, Del Mar Center, April 10th 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, La Jolla Center, April 11th 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, and Encinitas, April 12th 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Please notify your managers which session you will be attending.
Managers and computer support specialists training will be provided April 5th 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Please contact HR to notify of the session you will be attending.”