Kwame Abdulhaqq
February 6, 2013
Rocky Riviera
Kudler Fine Foods Technology Solutions
Kudler Find Food is a virtual organization specializing in gourmet food products. Kathy Kudler is the owners of Kudler Fine Foods and Kudler’s food products consist of meats cheeses, pastries, wine, and seafood’s. Kudler Fine Foods has business operations in California, and La Jolla but their De Mar location has not been profitable. Kudler’s human resources department focuses on employment policies, training, payroll functions, and hiring processes. The purpose of this paper is to review the potential technology solutions and needed software that may add value to Kudler Fine Foods and their human resources …show more content…
Human Resources Software Staff Files 8.0will assist Kudler Find Foods with employee’s records, performance reviews, and employee safeguard protection. The NOW Solutions product, emPath®, is a web-based Human Resources Management offers solution that integrates human resources, payroll, administrative capabilities as well as employee self-service. The NOW Solutions product also provides employee tracking information, such as salaries, benefits, absences, and performance reviews (NOW Solutions, 2010). EmpXtrack web-based resource management software is much needed for Kudler’s. EmpXtrack can automate much of Kudler’s functions in their HR department and any parts of Kudler’s organization (EmpXtrack, 2013). Vista Human resources Management Systems includes recruiting, self-service, Family Medical Leave Act Administration (Vista HRMS, 2013). The Human Resources Management Software allows employees to review their pay roll history. HRMS delivers information to recipients online at any time and place (HDI System Technologies, …show more content…
The present system used by Kudler Fine Foods present system consists of the Retail Enterprise Management System (REMS). Kudler’s would benefit from the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) because the software system would enable Kudler’s to maintain his or her employee records at his or her main headquarters. The use of an HRMS would also allow Kudler’s to complete payroll and workers’ compensation functions. Vista Human Resources Management Systems would help Kudler’s communicate across border in a database. The Cons is no one software product is designed to handle every business