January 13, 2014
Dr. Stephen Jones
Kudler Fine Foods Risk Management The internet has pervaded every aspect of business and Kudler Fine Foods has used it as a tool to further their goals. Wireless technology should be the next stepping stone for Kudler to use to advance in their field, and much like most new technologies the use of wirelessly connected devices can pose a number of security concerns. The benefits of having connectivity throughout the enterprise can outweigh the security concerns that wireless technology can pose. There are certain steps that can be taken to mitigate most of the concerns of having wirelessly connected devices on the network and these steps will be touched upon along with some of the major threats. With the increase in data transfer rates over the internet another new technology has arisen that can be used to further advance Kudler Fine Foods in the fine foods import business, cloud computing. With the use of cloud service providers much of the strain can be taken away from the in house servers, or can simply be used as an off-site backup. The benefits and also the security concerns of using an off-site facility to house data or provide processing will be discussed further.
Allowing Mobile Access to the Network Mobile use has become increasingly popular because of the advances in phone, tablet and laptop technology. Kudler Fine Foods must embrace this new technology not only to use it to further their business goals but to also address the security concerns that it poses. Allowing mobile use on the organizational network would mean using wireless connectivity, this opens up the network to a number of threats such as:
Accidental association – This occurs when there is more than one wireless network whose signal overlap possibly causing a user to connect to the wrong network, this can be avoided by simply locking the Wi-Fi signal with
References: University of Phoenix. (2012). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CMGT/430 - Enterprise Security website. InfoWorld. (2013). Cloud Computing. Retrieved from computing/what-cloud-computing-really-means-031?page=0,1