The weight loss is excessive and growth becomes stunted due to this the child also becomes fatigued and irritable. Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and rashes are common on the skin. In later stages, the child could even go into a coma (Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, 2009).The symptoms of Kwashiorkor include fatigue (exhausted), diarrhoea, and loss of muscle mass, failure to grow or gain weight, oedema (a condition known by as an excess of watery fluid collecting in the tissues of the body), and a suppressed immune system which can cause infections, shock and distended abdomen (bloated) (Cafasso, 2012).The signs of the malnutrition may also lead to irritability, anorexia, ulcers on the skin and an enlarged fatty liver (Unknown, Kwashiorkor, 2015).Tests to confirm Kwashiorkor are done by measuring protein and sugar in the blood or urine (Cafasso, 2012). This malnutrition can be corrected by eating more protein and more calories. Proteins must be gradually introduced as the compromised liver is unable to process large amounts of protein (Cafasso, 2012). Getting treatment early generally leads to good …show more content…
During the treatment, the patient is provided with the required proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats (Lee, 2011). This malnutrition is a mix form of both Marasmus and Kwashiorkor with wasting and pitting oedema. It primarily affects children who have not obtained enough protein and calories. This is a form of severe acute malnutrition (Dolan, 2015). In this condition, features of both Kwashiorkor (the protein deficiency) and Marasmus (the calorie deficiency) are present and occur mostly in toddlers. The body weight would always be less than 60% of what is expected. The symptoms present include oedema (a condition known by as an excess of watery fluid collecting in the tissues of the body),there would be mental, skin and hair change as well as a enlarged liver (Makama, 2014).Secondary infection is common as the child’s immune system is lowered and diarrhoea will be a chronic