requested progress reports. In addition, being a journalist entails that I interview many people to create a successful and honest story; the communication abilities I have developed through being a writer would provide the much needed firm and confident speaking skills essential for a student representative.
My internship at the Mukwonago Chief serves as just one example of my interest in communication. Currently, I am taking Spanish III in hopes of being able to converse with many people abroad. I am taking a Creative Writing class to advance my written knowledge; also, I hold the position as the script writer for the MHS Broadcast club. Utilizing the techniques and capacities that I gain through these various classes and activities, I hope to be accepted to the Medill School of Journalism from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. After, I wish to move forward and become employed at the Chicago Tribune as a journalist. With high standards set, from elementary school to high school I progressively improved my verbal and written capabilities to a proficient level.
The main reason anyone should become a student school board representative, in my opinion, is because they want to help better the world around them.
Being a member of Best Buddies and SAVE, I demonstrate a strong sense of dedication for supporting others and lending a helping hand. The goals of both Best Buddies and SAVE are to further acceptance, embrace diversity, promote safety in schools, and spreading positive energy. As a student representative, my sole objective would be to help enlighten the school board and those in the community about the daily life at MHS, advocate for the 1,600 students currently attending, and respectively relay any helpful amendments that would benefit the Mukwonago Area School District. The multiple clubs I participate in and the copious amounts of friendships I developed with people that have contrasting passions also allow me to speak on behalf of a relatively large group of students. The students taking part in the same activities that I belong to range from freshman to seniors. The opinions of a freshman compared to that of a senior’s may vary drastically, and being a part of clubs with a sample of each year will give me an advantage to hear an assortment of
The combination of already having a sturdy tie with the community, highly valuing communication in the many forms it takes on, and possessing an avid concern for helping others and upgrading the school district proves why I am solid candidate and worthy of becoming one of the two honorary student representatives. I am grateful for the time you have set aside to review my application and credentials; I appreciate your consideration.