Tab: St.Charles high school may seem very one-dimensional from the outside, like many high schools, and this can oftentimes be magnified to suffocate our depth and benevolence. I would very much like to be the person who inflates the image of how respectful and authentic the people attending our school can be. Through programs, like S.T.A.N.D. and
our counselors, our school is reaching out to kids who need the help of their community members, when others might ignore them.
Tab: A famous Nigerian pastor and philanthropist once said “You are who you are by virtue of the company you keep.” This quote speaks to me, my friends, and, I believe, to who we are as a community. I've chosen to be friends with the people I know will support me on my way to my future and who will keep me on the right path, and I try to do the same for my friends. Because St. Charles is such a small town, the “ [we] keep,” is the people of our town. Therefore, we all, or most of us, are influenced by the people around us and are able to adequately represent our community as a whole based on our actions.
Tab: My family, of course, influences my behavior the most. I am closer to my family than I am with anyone and, because of that, I would be a great representative of my family’s character.