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Museum Project
When I went to the Los Angeles Country Museum of Art, I learned many things such as paintings, sculptures, models, etc. The museum was very interesting and amazing. If I do happen to get another museum project similar to this project, I would definitely come back to LACMA.
One of my favorite exhibits is called “Penetrable”. This was made during 1990 by Jesus Rafael Soto. This creation is an example of the op/kinetic movement. Because this was made from industrial hoses suspended from a steel frame, the piece has a fluid shape. People enter the sculpture and see how it shifts shape and light with them.
Another favorite was the Metropolis II, which was made by Chris Burden in 2006. The Metropolis II …show more content…
The Miracle Mile is a linear configuration composed of sixty-six fluorescent tubes, and has a length of approximately thirty-six feet. Irwin created this reconsidering the properties of light, material, and color. The work was created at LACMA in 2006.
The Chinese had five different types of calligraphy. These are known as the Seal script, Clerical script, Standard script, Semicursive script, and Cursive script.
The Seal script is one of the most ancient forms known, used during the Shang dynasty. This script is still widely used for the legends on Chinese seals.
Clerical script was used at the Han-dynasty court for the transcription of official records. This type of calligraphy was recognized for its elegant flourishes of the …show more content…
This display took him two and a half years to develop. Band is made from two hundred tons of hot steel and the precision engineering that goes into shaping it, as well as the placing of its component parts, which requires accuracy to within a single millimeter and it is roughly twelve feet high and more than seventy feet long.
This next exhibit was called “On a Clear Day”. This exhibit showed thirty screen-prints printed in gray on cream japan paper. LACMA purchased these with funds provided by the Kotick Family Foundation in honor of Lynda and Stewart Resnick through the 2007 collectors Committee in 1973.
Agnes Martin was a pioneer of modern art and a pivotal female figure in 1912 through 2004. Her work unifies the mathematical rigor of geometric abstraction with the sensitivity and tactility of the hand-drawn line. Her best work was the periods that define her career. During 1954 and 1967, Martin was transitioning from the biomorphic forms of the 1950s to the ground-breaking grid paintings of the 1960s. In 1967, Martin stopped making art but she continued drawing in 1974. During this time, she continued to refine the abstract vocabulary for which she is known