1. Course Number and Title: CHEM-181 General Chemistry I
2. Semester Hours: 4 Contact Hours: (3 + 2)
Lecture Lab
3. Catalog Description
This course, intended for science majors, is the first course of a two-course sequence. Course topics include stoichiometry, inorganic nomenclature, solutions, gas laws, thermochemistry, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. The laboratory work includes basic laboratory techniques and is intended to support lecture topics. It is highly recommended that students who enroll in this course have completed high school Chemistry and high school Algebra II.
4. Prerequisites: None corequisites: None
5. Maximum Class Size: 24 Course Fee Code: 3 Differential Funding Category: A
Course Type for Perkins Reporting: ___ vocational _x__ non-vocational
6. Justification
a. Describe the need for this course
This course is required for bachelor-level degree programs in science, engineering, and in many health-related pre-professional disciplines.
b. Relationship to courses within the College
i. Does this course satisfy a general education requirement? _x__ yes ___ no
If yes, mark with an “x” the appropriate category below.
___ Communication ___ Social Science _x__ Lab Science
___ Mathematics ___ Humanities
ii. Does this course satisfy a Group A or Group B Humanities/Literature requirement for the AA in Liberal Arts degrees? ___ yes _x__ no
If yes, mark with an “x” the appropriate category. ___ Group A ___ Group B iii. If the course does not satisfy a general education requirement, which of the following does it satisfy:
___ Program-specific requirement for the following degree program:
___ Elective
iv. Does this course satisfy the diversity requirement for the AA in Liberal Arts degree?