English 108: Introduction to Fiction Fall 2014
Instructor: Professor Fisher
Office: Jorgenson 1033
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00 -12:30 Thursdays 2:00-3:30
Email: laura.fisher@ryerson.ca
Email policy: Your course syllabus covers course policies, assignments, dates, and procedures; please read it carefully before emailing the teaching team. Your TA is your primary contact for this course, who will forward messages to me as needed.
Email is accepted only from ryerson.ca addresses (per university policy). Please state your course number/section in the subject line and allow up to 2 working days for a response.
While email may be a casual form of communication in your personal life, remember that in the academic setting they are a formal mode of correspondence between the instructor and the student. Please observe etiquette and use salutations (e.g. “Dear Professor Fisher”) and signatures (“Best wishes / Thanks / Best, Student Name”) when communicating with me via email.
This is a required course available to BA English, ACS English Option, Journalism and Radio & Television students. It is also required in the English Minor and available as a Professionally-Related course to certain programs (please check your program’s elective tables to ensure you can take this course for credit). It is not available for Liberal Studies credit.
The Faculty Course Survey will be administered between: November 18 – December 2 2014.
This course will use paper-based evaluations.
The Exam Period is: December 2-December 13 2014 (n.b.: this includes Saturdays.)
Delivery Mode
2 hours of lecture (with Prof. Fisher) + 1 hour of seminar (with a Teaching Assistant) per week.
Meeting Times
Lecture: Thursday 4:00-6:00 PM KHS 239
Seminars: Students must attend their RAMSS-assigned lectures and seminars. TAs cannot assign grades to students not registered in their section.
1:00 - 2:00
Rebecca Thursten