Introduction to Law
Jointly taught by members of the Faculty of Law, this introduction to Canadian law covers the basic legal areas of most relevance in modern society. The course is open to all Western undergraduates (other than law students enrolled in the J.D. program). There are no pre requisites.
This full year course consists of three lecture hours per week, in two 90 minute blocks. The classes are
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M., in Room 40 of the Labatt Health Sciences Building.
The required text is Law 101: Introduction to Law (12th ed, 2014). Students are expected to attend the classes and prepare for them by reading the assigned pages. The syllabus handed out in class sets out the readings for each class and is also available in OWL (
The instructor for each topic is set out on the syllabus. The course co ordinator is Professor Mysty Clapton.
There are four Teaching Assistants (TAs): Scott Azzopardi, Niloofar Entezari, Marina Faheim, and Amanda Fiorelli The TAs are available by e mail to help with any problem and will be monitoring the class discussion board in OWL.
The evaluation will be 75% by multiple choice examinations (one in December, one in April, each counting for
37.5% of the final grade) plus 25% for short (under 5 minutes), weekly on line quizzes. See under “Evaluation
Info” in OWL for details. There are no other assignments or essays. The exams are non cumulative (i.e., the
April test will cover only the second term topics). As required by University rules, students are hereby informed that software will be used to check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating. E-Mail
E mail is the primary method used to communicate with students outside of class. Be sure to check your email regularly or you may miss important information. E mail will be sent to your