What are Exceptional children and what place do they have in our schools?
Exceptional children are children who are either exceptionally gifted or children with exceptional learning disabilities. These are children whose performances are way above the average child or way below the average child. When they perform way above the average child, they are called gifted. When they perform way below the average, we say they are children with learning disabilities.
Like any other child, these children with exceptionalities are also a part of our society. Therefore it is important that they get the same opportunities as other children. Sometimes these children are clled Special and are placed in a special education program. However there are some children who never attended school.
Journal entry II
Reflection Journal Entry I
What is Labeling? A tag used to identify children with learning disabilities.
Types of Labeling – Slow learners, lazy, unmotivated, rude, dumb and disgusting.
Advantages of Labeling
1. Had it not been for labeling there would not have been any funds for educational programs for children with learning disabilities.
2. Labeling allows professionals to meet so that they can work together for a common goal to help facilitate children with learning disabilities.
3. Labeling has led to the development of specialized teaching methods, assignment approaches and behavioural interventions that are useful for all teachers including teachers who teach children with learning disabilities (Hallahah and Kauffman, 1982)
4. Labeling may make the majority without disabilities more tolerant of the minority with disabilities. People may tolerate the actions of children identified as having intellectual disabilities than their peers without intellectual disabilities who would be criticized.
5. Labeling the disability spotlights the problems imposed for the public. Labeling can