In February of 2010, 300 teachers of the Des Moines Public School system were notified that they would no longer be needed to teach their subjects in the following school year. The positions that were cut due to the downsizing of the schools faculty were mostly those that taught art, music, and physical education. The reasoning behind this drastic measure taken by the Des Moines Public School system, says Twyla Woods, Chief of Staff of Student Affairs at Des Moines Public Schools, is to preserve core classes. This argument is entirely logical; however, it fails to acknowledge the necessity of the arts in the lives of America’s younger generation (KCCI).
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Those behind the educational budgeting have greatly underestimated the wealth of skills that teaching our children to learn such musical skills as simple as playing the piano can afford them. In an issue brief given by The Economic & Technology Policy Studies department of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices titled “The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation”, they state various ways that the incorporation of the arts in education can improve America’s children’s skills. The basic skills they present are; better oral communication, better reading and understanding of the material, and enhanced