As a result we get attitudes such as: the lack of respect that has been lost to the women and in many cases the woman no longer demands that respect, because in many places the "gender equality" is going to new extremes and because of that there exists problems between them such as; the early addiction to the cigarette, consume of alcoholic beverages, smoking, which is not only seen in teenagers but in most of the community, also not planned pregnancies in teenagers, and sometimes this lack of responsibility is the reason an abortion takes place making them very cold and dehumanized.
All of this is because the parents do not raise them the way it is supposed to, or have bad friends that give them the wrong meanings of the values, or they do not even put them in practice anymore. If in the education that they give them to the children there was more love and more interest, the world would not like it is now, with drug traffic, massacres, shootings, organized crime, kidnappings, robberies, and even wars.
We all complain about