The current drug laws are doing more harm than good. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the country in many ways. In today’s society we would benefit from legalization of marijuana by creating thousands of jobs. It would provide a financial gain for the government, which would bring in billions in taxes and save billions more on law enforcements (ending, Prohibition played a big part in getting the U.S out of the Great Depression). Also, it will allow police, courts and prisons to focus their resources on more dangerous criminals rather than potheads. In addition to helping people bring home a paycheck, the work created by medical cannabis is producing tons of cash into the state and local economies through taxes and business license fees. For example, these are a few jobs sustained by marijuana: Agricultural workers, physician’s assistants, bud tenders, security guards, Recommended Physicians, Dispensary Operators and Delivery drivers. There is no exact number of how many new jobs have been created by medical cannabis nationwide. In a state such as Montana one study conducted by cannabis support groups reported 1,400 new jobs had been created in that state, and approximately 70% of those workers had been unemployed. Marijuana is, coincidentally, one American Industry that’s showing some promise in the job market. [] The United States alone spends some $40 billion each year on trying to eliminate the supply of drugs. “We don’t know the size of marijuana market as of right now, and we certainly don’t know what would happen to the prices and demands for marijuana under different levels of legalization would lead to a positive revenue impact on the income and sales tax side.” [] Legalization of marijuana would save the taxpayers around 8-16 billion dollars, the economic benefits of the hemp agriculture. Taxing marijuana would provide more money for policies year towards helping the country
The current drug laws are doing more harm than good. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the country in many ways. In today’s society we would benefit from legalization of marijuana by creating thousands of jobs. It would provide a financial gain for the government, which would bring in billions in taxes and save billions more on law enforcements (ending, Prohibition played a big part in getting the U.S out of the Great Depression). Also, it will allow police, courts and prisons to focus their resources on more dangerous criminals rather than potheads. In addition to helping people bring home a paycheck, the work created by medical cannabis is producing tons of cash into the state and local economies through taxes and business license fees. For example, these are a few jobs sustained by marijuana: Agricultural workers, physician’s assistants, bud tenders, security guards, Recommended Physicians, Dispensary Operators and Delivery drivers. There is no exact number of how many new jobs have been created by medical cannabis nationwide. In a state such as Montana one study conducted by cannabis support groups reported 1,400 new jobs had been created in that state, and approximately 70% of those workers had been unemployed. Marijuana is, coincidentally, one American Industry that’s showing some promise in the job market. [] The United States alone spends some $40 billion each year on trying to eliminate the supply of drugs. “We don’t know the size of marijuana market as of right now, and we certainly don’t know what would happen to the prices and demands for marijuana under different levels of legalization would lead to a positive revenue impact on the income and sales tax side.” [] Legalization of marijuana would save the taxpayers around 8-16 billion dollars, the economic benefits of the hemp agriculture. Taxing marijuana would provide more money for policies year towards helping the country