Online College Degree Industry
Kenneth McNeil, Student
BBA 110 History of Business
Dr. Paul Rux, Professor
This paper will describe the industry I will research for my project. That industry is “The
Online College Industry.” I will identify the selected industry, state my reason for selecting this particular industry, and provide a brief description of the industry. Also, include a section in which you report on the historical roots of the industry as directed in the previous step.
Online college degrees and institutions have been popping up all over the world over the last decade. This increasing trend and industry has been especially interesting to me as a result of my choice and decision to attend college online after 38 years of graduating from high school. When I made the final decision to pursue my online degree, I must have reviewed at least twenty five schools before choosing Jones International University. Since that time it appears I get at least two emails daily from different schools attempting to solicit my enrollment and several schools that have pop up ads to entice me to go back to school. Online colleges are becoming popular as people seek to get degrees from their homes.
Starting an accredited online college is a business venture that can be difficult but has the potential to become very profitable.
One of the most remarkable advances in education has been the creation of online education, attracting thousands of new students to online programs, and delivering degrees to students who would not have earned them otherwise. Online colleges have emerged out of the woodwork basically, causing a stir in the education industry, offering a multitude of online courses through their many degree programs. Since the emergence of the internet a few decades ago, companies have been slowly developing ways to educate