Getting a strong education is arguably the most effective action an individual can take in pursuing a satisfying career. If colleges are offering entire degree programs online, more people will have the opportunity to achieve the education they desire, leading to a career of their choice. Increasing the number of people in the workforce is one of the current concerns of the United State’s economy. If more people are working, then the amount of money this country is earning will rise as well.
Apart from the difficulties of obtaining a better education, many Americans may also be struggling with a lack of time due to various part time jobs, childcare, and even medical disabilities. If a degree program is available online, it would provide the convenience that people desperately need, making the dream of a new career more achievable. With this job, limitations that caused worry could now be resolved. For example, it would be easier to care for children and purchase necessary medications with the money from this career. Many people work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and this can be an immense cause of stress. The need for working these jobs could be eradicated because the money being earned with the one rewarding career would be sufficient. Some educators worry that the online degree programs being offered do not provide the same quality as an on-campus education, and that in an online program, students can pay others to do their work. In