my other sister, rachael, to herself become absent. Meghan eventualy went to live with her father and I was left alone with our mother and her always new boyfriends. I became very distant before I was ten. the lack of affection from my mother or anyone else for that mater created an emotionaly distant child. When I was approximately thirteen years of age I was no longer provided for by my mother and i was homeless. I was forced to stay at friends houses and sneak food wherever i managed to be temporaliy accepted. My school work suffered because I had no motivation or care for myself. When I was approximately fifteen, I was offered an opputunity from my grandparents who resided in florida. They paid for me to travel here and gave me an actual life. I spent most of my days with them and the other elderly residents of their community. I was able to obtain my GED with their help and a new outlook on life. I felt nothing for so long and then i was overwhelmed with the feeling that people cared for me and, in return, I began to care for others. I have always had excellent work ethics. I began working in a restaraunt atmoshere. There i was given the oppurtunity to go to school for free in an apprentice program to become a chef. Approximately a month into my classes, I began to feel awful.
I felt as though i was going through the motions, day in and day out, doing the same thing everyday. There was absolutely no challenges for me. I wanted to do more. I deffinetly wanted out of my repetitious lifestyle. I decided to began a job course in security. In this field is where i excelled. I have been givin oppurtunities to work closely with Law Enforcement and slowly but surely I realized Law Enforcement was for me. Once this was introduced to me I couldnt imagine any other career path. So i contacted my bestfriend who always wanted to be a police officer and told him I was going to apply to the academy at Indian River State College. He immediately got on board with my plans and joined me on my path. A short time from then we were in Class 138 and I knew i was exactly where I needed to be. I want to feel like a somebody. I want to keep people safe. I want to show people they can be anything they want to be. I would do anything to make sure nobody feels alone. I want to be the difference. I am a leader and i knoe Law Enforcement is where i can focus my skills. I want to wake up every morning, excited to go to work. I want to make my grandparents proud and i want to be proud of myself. I have yet to trully understand the feeling i have for Law
Enforcement. All I know is it is an overwhelming desire and I will not stop until a badge is placed on my uniform.