1. Transformational behavior can include
a. contingent rewards
b. passive management by exception
c. inspirational motivation
d. active management by exception
2. The concept that some people are natural (born) leaders is an attribute of which leadership approach?
a. Trait approach
b. Behavior approach
c. Power-influence approach
d. Situation approach
3. A leadership contingency theory that stresses the intelligence and experience of the leader is
a. leadership substitutes theory
b. cognitive resource theory
c. situational leadership theory
d. normative decision theory
4. Charismatic leaders add followers by
a. possessing specific expertise
b. considering other solutions
c. appealing to emotions and articulating a vision
d. sharing the decision making
5. Effective transformational leaders
a. delegate most decisions to individuals or self-managed teams
b. select subordinates who will be loyal and uncritical
c. challenge strongly held values of followers to get their attention
d. use a combination of transformational and transactional behaviors
6. A theory that emphasizes leader traits and skills as determinants of leadership behavior is best categorized at what level?
a. Individual
b. Organizational
c. Dyadic
d. Group
7. One unique characteristic of followers in leadership theory is
a. confidence and optimism
b. task commitment and effort
c. skills and expertise
d. traits
8. Most of the leadership theory and research explaining the actions of leaders and why those actions occurred has described
a. ethical leadership
b. descriptive leadership
c. prescriptive leadership
d. universal leadership
9. The leadership process that describes how a group operates in an open system with other groups is called
a. group process
b. intra-individual process
c. organizational process
d. inter-active process
10. Ideological leaders will develop when the leader
a. appeals to emotion
b. has particular expertise