1. There is no singular purpose of leadership.
2. Influence can cause some behavior in some person for a specific purpose based on a power base.
3. Michael LeBoeuf refers to organizational theory, industrial engineering, and behavioral science as the dynamic triangle.
4. Conceptual skills are more operational than managerial.
5. Universal theories search for an explanation of leadership unrelated to follower behavior or the social environment within which it develops.
6. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt identified four basic leadership styles.
7. Leaders who are effective can be described as one-dimensional.
8. The Managerial Grid is used as a diagnostic to help individual managers to assess their own leadership style.
9. Situational theory says, in effect, that managerial leadership is linked to adaptability.
10. Contingency theory to understanding leadership effectiveness attempts to combine elements of both trait and situational theory.
11. Paul Whisenand created the Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Scale.
12. Some believe that without follower consent an inspired leader cannot lead.
13. Conceptual skills are used to organize and integrate experience.
14. Francis Galton believed that leadership skills were simply inherited.
15. Leadership style theory focuses on two basic styles.
16. A Level 5 manager can be found to be self-effacing.
17. Life time learning is a reality for a police executive.
18. According to Robert Albanese employee satisfaction and performance depends upon the characteristics of the employee.
19. The path-goal model deals with the interaction between leader behavior and situational factors.
20. Supportive leadership (path-goal) is similar to the concept of