1.1 Explain person centred practice
Person centred practice is providing care and needs which centres on the client. Its a way of caring for person as an individual and putting them and their families at the heart of all decisions. They are recognized as individuals with their own personality, likes and dislikes who has individual beliefs and preferences.Person centred practice put value to the independence, privacy, partnership, choice, dignity, respect and rights of the client.
1.4 Explain how person centred practice informs the way in which consent is established with individuals
Person centred practice is also about keeping the choice of the individual firmly in their hands, and supporting and assisting them in taking and keeping control of their own lives. This is why its important to know that a client is assumed to have capacity unless it is proved otherwise. He or she must be able to understand the information relevant to the decision, retain the information, use the information as part of the decision making process and communicate the decision. If someone is assessed as lacking capacity, it must be sought elsewhere, from the next of kin or other individual or team responsible for the care of that person and any decision taken on their behalf must be in their best interests.
1.5 Explain how person centred practice can result in positive changes in individuals’ lives
Person-centred practice means giving individual valued roles, participation and belonging in the community, freely given relationships, greater authority over decisions about the way they live, genuine partnership between the service,
themselves and or their family and allies, individualised and personalised support arrangements. All of these contributes in helping people get better lives, meaning that individual will have a real home, purpose, family, friends and acquaintances, control over the direction of one’s