Introduction :-
" It is possible and fruitful to identify major events that have already happened, irrevocably, and that will have predictable effects in the next decade or two. It is possible, in other words, to identify and prepare for the future that has already happened " (Peter Drucker, 1997)
By regularly exploring suitable and novel/modern strategic leadership practices presently undertaken by futurist organisations, the author suggests that there is a possibility to classify and comprehend practices that will be useful for the coming century. Strategic leadership in future might be the single most crucial factors affecting organisations. Discounting Novel strategic leadership, the chances of a company accomplishing finer or reasonable show when facing the hardships of world-wide financial system will be significantly condensed. Global economy i.e. world-wide financial system is a key immutable affair whose subsistence in present day scenario has majorly affected strategic leadership practices and give ideas related to practices that must be used in the upcoming events.( R. Duane Ireland and Michael A. Hitt, 2005)
In Addition, The need for strategic leadership is not a new concept and has been in existence since early 1980 's (Due to time constrains and limited availability of articles) as is evidenced by ( Bern cud Taylor,1995). The author suggest that, Theatrical picture of strategic leadership in act can be seen in companies going through course of restructuring and healing as during the industrial revolution in 1980 's where every major industries were in trouble (Bern cud Taylor, 1995).
Adding on what has been talked about by the above author, The theory of Strategic leadership has transformed since the unique superior position hypothesis urbanized by ( Hambrick and Mason,1984) to a learning i.e. just not the
References: 2. Bern cud Taylor, Long Range Planning, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 71 to 81,(1995). 3. Peter Drucker, (1997), The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), Vol. 19, No. 4, Classic Articles. 5. Denis Fisch-bacher Smith, (2012), Getting Pandas to Breed. 6. C. Jooste & B. Fourie, (1999) pg 53, Southern African Business Review Volume 13 Number 3 (2009). 7. Hitt et al. (2007: 385) Through C. Jooste & B. Fourie, (1999) pg 53, Southern African Business Review Volume 13 Number 3 (2009). 8. Hambrick and Mason,(1984)/ Hambrick & Pettigrew, (2001) through DUSYA VERA University of Houston & MARY CROSSAN University of Western Ontario, Academy of Management Review (2004), Vol. 29, No. 2, 222–240. 9. (Hosmer, L. T. 1982. The importance of strategic leadership. Journal of Business Strategy, 3(2), Fall, 47-57). 12. Barney, op. cit. through W. Glenn Rowe , Creating wealth in the organisation, Academy of Management Executive, (2001), Vol. 15, No. 1. 13. Watson, Jr., T. J. & Petre, P. (1990). Father son & Co.: My life at IBM and beyond. New York: Bantam Books Through W. Glenn Rowe , Creating wealth in the organisation, Academy of Management Executive, 2001, Vol. 15, No. 1. 14. Walton & Huey, op. cit. ,(1992), Made in America my story. New York: Doubleday. 15. Palfrey & Gasser, 2012, pg9 through Denis Fisch-bacher Smith, 2012