Dorfman, Peter W. et al. "Leadership in Western and Asian countries: Commonalities and differences in effective leadership processes across cultures” The Leadership Quarterly Vol. 8, 3, (1997): 233–274. Sciencedirect. Web 7 Apr. 2013
This article focuses on cultural universality and cultural specificity of leadership adapted by Western and Asian countries - pointing out differences observed in each behavior base on Empirical hypothesis.
House, Robert et al. "Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE" Journal of Business Vol. 37, 1, (2002): 3-10. Sciencedirect. Web 7 Apr. 2013
GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) is a research program focusing on culture and leadership in 61 nations. National cultures are examined in terms of nine dimensions: performance orientation, future orientation, assertiveness, power distance, humane orientation, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and gender egalitarianism. In a survey of thousands of middle managers in food processing, finance, and telecommunications industries in these countries, GLOBE compares their cultures and attributes of effective leadership. Six global leadership attributes are identified and discussed.
Pillai, Rajnandini et al. "Leadership and Organizational Justice: Similarities and Differences across Cultures" Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 30, 4, (1999): 763-779.jstor. Web 7 Apr. 2013
International management scholars and practitioners agree that managers cannot simply assume that leadership behaviors effective in one culture can be readily transferred to other cultures. This study examines the relationship of transformational leadership and leader member exchange to organizational justice and job satisfaction in five separate cultures. Results indicate that while there is consistent support for some of the