Genser, E. (2013). Hiring leaders. Leadership Excellence, 30(1), 19. Retrieved from: ABI/INFORM Complete. doi: 1270910265
Elaina Genser describes the precise method in which to accurately hire a good leader. While conducting a search employers must meet with the internal recruiter and construct a thorough job description. A simple application method is essential in order to receive maximum applications. The employer should acquire as many applicants and then narrow the candidates through the screening of resumes and references. Employers should not only interview external candidates, but should also approach qualified internal candidates. Promotion within the company saves money on the interview and training process that comes with new hires. When making a final decision for recruitment a successful evaluation is made by reaching a consensus and following protocol.
Personal Reflection
The first step the author advises is to meet with the company’s internal recruiter and discuss the position. Once a consensus is reached on the hiring requirements, a thorough job description should be introduced allowing suitable candidates to apply. I agree with this technique because it allows the applicant to decide whether they can fulfill the needs of the position. The executive must distinguish the leadership competencies that the company needs; and a candidate should be anticipated to follow the company’s succession plan. I agree that this step is beneficial because Genser suggests that the succession plan is a template for conducting a leadership search.
When searching for a leader a combination of both internal and external candidates should be taken into consideration. A wide variety of applicants increase the chances of finding the most suitable person for the job. I concur with this statement because the most successful companies are the ones that hold the highest numbers of applicants to each