These are learning programmes based in the workplace, it combines both theory and work experience. A learnership is a vocational education and training programme to facilitate the linkage between structured learning and work experience to obtain a registered qualification. The reason for the structured learning being implemented is that a worker will not be held back by lack of development in certain areas such as maths literacy and communication. This should help the learner with the necessary skill to gain access to qualifications at a higher level.
It combines theory and workplace practice into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The aim of a learnership is to help the individual build necessary …show more content…
Organisations are often offered grants (money) to offer learnership programmes. Both the employer and employee benefit from a learnership as the learner/employee gets paid while they learn and the employer gets the learners skill and work in return. Provisions are made for types of learners firstly the 18.1 learners which are learners that are currently employed and then the 18.2 learners who are unemployed and pre-employed (school leavers).
c. Organisations skills development plan (Workplace skills plan)
The skills development plan needs to be developed by the organisation to plan how skills development is to be implemented in the organisation. The business is also entitled to claim back a percentage of the levies they pay in if they produce a skills development plan. The skills development plans are sent to the SETA that the organisation falls under. Another reason why organisations should sends in a workplace skills plan is that it can help to combine information regarding where the skills shortages might lie. Steps could then be put in place by the relevant SETA’s to develop the skill.
d. Classify the