Hellena Berrios
Grand Canyon University
SPE525 Educating Learners with Diverse Needs
Takita Williams
August 6, 2006
When a child is diagnosed with a learning disability parents often have a fear that they did something wrong. To eliminate these fears parents find solace in gathering information on learning disabilities and resources.
Learning Disability Report
According to The Healthy Children Project (2003) a learning disability can be defined as a disorder in basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or use mathematical calculations. This term includes conditions such as perceptual disability, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Students who have learning disabilities may exhibit a wide range of traits, including problems with reading comprehension, spoken language, writing, or reasoning ability. Hyperactivity, inattention, and perceptual coordination problems may also be associated with learning disabilities. Other traits that may be present include a variety of symptoms, such as uneven and unpredictable test performance, perceptual impairments, motor disorders, and behaviors such as impulsiveness, low tolerance for frustration, and problems in handling day-to-day social interactions and situations.
Learning disabilities may occur in the following academic areas: 1. Spoken language: Delays, disorders, or discrepancies in listening and speaking.
2. Written language: Difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling.
3. Arithmetic: Difficulty in performing arithmetic functions or in comprehending basic concepts.
4. Reasoning: Difficulty in organizing and integrating thoughts.
5. Organization skills: Difficulty in organizing all facets of learning.
References: Cronin, E.M. (2000). Helping Your Child with Learning Disabilities. Rocklin, CA: Prima Hyson, Marilou. (2003). Development of the Learning Disabled Child. April 20, 2003.