Getting ready for high school is hard academically and mentally. I have multiple suggestions to help the next eighth graders can be as adjusted for high school as possible. My first recommendation is that Key should provide …show more content…
I know that sounds babyish, but it is true.The most recent troublesome change, we are not aloud to have backpacks in classes now, and they have to be in your lockers in the other building. Dr. Milner said that she was preparing us for high schools, and that no high school lets there kids have backpacks in class. When I visited the Upper School I observed that there wasn’t 1 student without a backpack in class. In addition to that, my brother Nathan claims that he does not even have a locker. I understand Dr. Milner’s intentions, but I believe we should be able to carry our backpacks with us to classes.If even after my argument you still believe that backpacks should not be allowed in classes, then I would ask to have lockers closer to the house. I started being late to class and not having all of my materials. Because there are not spaces for lockers we could have little cubbies with doors on them so that our books will stay safe from the weather. Additionally, we should have assigned school computers so we can keep our tabs open that we do not want to lose. If we had our own assigned computers we would also be able to download PDFs. Plus some kids that don’t care if their computers, that they were using that day, receive a virus because they would just take a different computer the next day, they would live with the glitches. The last and most ambitious element, it would be delightful and greatly appreciated if we could