On the one hand, It has come to the publics attention that many students leave the german school after year 11 as it presents a good chance to leave the school.
On the other hand, the school needed to build an additional building for 4 Million Pound for the reason that there are too many lower years.
In my opinion the school simply carries a very good name as one of the best half private schools. Therefore many parents decide to put their children into the school. Sadly, the students experience to move countries frequently as their parents jobs force them to. This makes them less social and they become socially retarded. Their parents jobs make them move every 1 to 3 years from one beautiful house to an other. But every time, they have to leave their friends behind and they become less friendly towards new people.
Hence many students realise how awkward the situation is at the german school. This encouraged 50 of the 57 people strong year 11, to change schools after this year. Only 7 students will remain at the school and are going to form a new class.
On other big topic why students leave the school is the bad higher level education the school offers. In order to achieve your IB you have to do your ABI. You don’t need a ABI in this country so this causes double the work for you to