Lebron James Analysis Paper
Coming Home
Lebron James wrote an article announce his return to return to Cleveland. This allowed him to explain himself before media could twist his reasonings. Cavalier fans have hated Lebron since he left for Miami; this will soon change. Recently Lebron announced that he will return to his hometown and play for his former team; The Cleveland Cavaliers. Media heavily publicised Lebron’s first decision in leaving Cleveland for Miami. Lebron never had a chance to explain himself. With this decision Lebron composed this essay in order to explain himself; to his Miami fans and the rest of the world. Lebron does not want to be hated in
Miami. In Lebron James’ homecoming article he misleads the reader; coming home does not reveal his motives, basketball championships remain the main cause for betrayal.
Months after Lebron James finalized his decision to leave, sports analysts debated the true reasons behind his motives. Coming home eases Lebrons decision, but fails to reveal the entire picture. Lebron James plays basketball better than any man in the world, he obviously cares if he plays on a good team or not. Lebron wouldn’t abandon a talented team for a subpar squad. “I went to Miami because of DWade and CB.” (Para. 3). Lebron first moved due to appeal of talented players. Lebron’s second decision mirrors his first move. Lebron will continue to argue that he desires to return home due to his love for Cleveland, but he’s hiding the truth. In reality Cleveland homes a championship caliber basketball team. Cleveland’s future seems promising with young stars like Kyrie irving and now Kevin Love. Lebron realizes this and seizes the opportunity. Going home just adds to the glory of it all.
Even Though Lebron grew up in Ohio, he loved his time away in Miami. “I will always think of Miami as my second home” (Para. 2). Lebron loved Miami; leaving solely off being homesick makes no sense.