c. Circulation-pulse; assess if there is a pulse or no pulse if no pulse in wrist (80mmHg) go to brachial (70mmHg) then carotid (60mmHg) determine the regularity and strength(EKG), possible major bleeding; control any arterial bleeding or venous bleeding by placing gloved hand and then getting pressure dressing, skin color: assessing color, temperature and condition, capillary refill (immediate2sec).assess, intervene, reassess…
Tintinalli, J. E., Kelen, G. K., Stapczynski, J., S. (2004). Emergency medicine: a comprehensive study guide. U.S.A: McGraw Hill.…
Employers are required to carry out an assessment of first-aid needs. This involves consideration of workplace hazards and risks, the size of the organisation and other relevant factors, to determine what first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel should be provided.…
When assessing the airway, EMS personnel should look for the rise and fall of the chest. If the chest does not rise and fall consistent with a good airway and normal breathing, then EMS personnel must check for breath sounds by auscultation, which can indicate that the patient is breathing. It is possible that some type of obstruction is preventing normal breathing in the patient. When assessing circulation, the radial and/or femoral…
If the accident requires medical treatment, first aid should be given by a trained member of staff. If the accident is serious, outside medical intervention may be required such as a doctor or paramedic and these should be notified when necessary. The area around the individual should be cleared to ensure that their privacy and dignity is maintained. The individual’s next of kin or family members may need to be informed and accurate body maps completed.…
* First aid needs to be prompt, effective and safe to both the casualty and first aider…
The priorities of first aid are ABC; Airways, Breathing and Circulation. • Airway; if in calamity and their body does not respond, ask the individual loudly if he/ she is OK and whether he/she could open their eyes. If he/she answers, you can leave the mishap in the situation he/she is in before assistance comes. If a response is not gotten, leave the mishap in the situation he/she is in and clear their air-shaft.…
I. According to the American Red Cross, the first step in any emergency is to survey the scene.…
First aid is an important skill. By performing simple procedures and following certain guidelines, it may be possible to save lives by giving basic treatment until professional medical help arrives.…
* Ensuring that staffs have been trained in first Aid and that we have access to equipment.…
Aisha never imagined that she would one day use the skills she learned in a first aid course at school to save a life. But that’s just what happened. Aisha was in her room studying while her grandmother was preparing dinner. Suddenly Aisha heard a loud crash and her grandmother screaming.Aisha rushed to the kitchen. Her grandmother had slipped on the wet floor and crashed into the sliding-glass door. She had deep gashes in her leg and knee. Aisha knew that she had to get help because her grandmother was losing a lot of blood. She ran to the phone and called for an ambulance. Then, remembering her first aid course, Aisha tried to stay calm. She took a clean towel and put pressure on her grandmother’s knee, while she reassured her that help was on the way. Paramedics arrived minutes later. After an operation, Aisha grandmother’s started physical therapy to help her walk again.…
There are three things to remember while doing wound care: keep it clean, keep it dry, and keep it changed. But, he first thing you will need to do before dealing with the cut is to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of disease. You will want to wash your hands or apply hand sanitizer, and apply gloves if you have them. What that does is prevents the exchange of bodily fluids which can spread germs and bacteria. Next, you will want to clean the wound but before you can clean it you need to stop the bleeding. To do that, all you have to do is apply direct pressure to the wound, which will help slow the flow of bleeding and help the blood clot. Another thing you can do is put the injury above your heart, which uses gravity to slow the flow of blood. Lastly, if all those fail to help you can use pressure points which are arteries near the surface of the skin use them to restrict blood flow like garden hose. The first point is in your inner arm between your elbow and your shoulder. Another is…
A mixed methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative methods was used to investigate the effects of teaching first aid in the kindergarten in the present study. 10 kindergarten children at the age of 4-5 years were included in a pilot-study, 5 girls and 5 boys. Three of them were four years and seven were five years old. Two months after completion of the first aid course children were tested in a scenario where the children had to provide first aid to an unconscious victim after a cycle accident. The next seven months the children were followed by participant observation.…
I took the privilege of entering First Aid. It aims to get the attention that accidents are prone to happen; that they are unpredictable, and we need to aid it with immediate care. Immediate care means offering the initiative to urgently aid the victim first while the real help is still on their way.…
The standard first aid certificate awarded by St John Ambulance, St Andrews Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross is proof of all round competence. First aid must be administered as soon as possible. In case of critical injury, a few minutes can make the difference between complete recovery and loss of life. First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether life threatening conditions exists. First aid measures depend on the victims need and the provider’s level of knowledge and skill. Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do.…