The legalization of abortion in Mexico is one of the most controversial issues that we have witnessed in recent years, because society is predominantly Catholic, and the church retains an important political role. The controversy arises because a woman's fundamental right is the right to decide over her own body, but at what point is violating the right to life of a fetus?
One of the main reasons for the legalization of abortion is that it is inhuman not to allow abortion when the pregnancy puts the woman in danger of death or a serious and permanent damage , which is totally wrong and that medical science ensures that virtually there are no circumstances in which they must choose between life of the mother or the child and on the other pregnancies that occur outside the womb are increasingly handled easily, so that the code of medical ethics states that in case of pregnancy complications should be provided efforts to save mother and child and never have as output the premeditated death of one of them. .
I do not think is a fair idea murdering a fetus simply because is a disabled arguing that will suffer much and will cause numerous expenses to their parents; this argument is completely invalid because it has shown no difference between normal and abnormal people. ”To say that these children would enjoy less of life is an opinion that lacks empirical support theoretical”, experts say. Even there are many testimonies of parents of physically or mentally handicapped children who manifest the love and joy that these children have been given.
The abortion should not be allowed even if the woman has the right to decide over her own body because our common sense and science tells us that in pregnancy there are two lives and two bodies. The term woman, according to the dictionary definition, is a “female human being " and since sex is determined chromosomally at the time of