With the legalization of Prostitution thee industry will get taxed, leaving billions in revenue for the United States Government. If legalized the government would regulate it and would enforce strict health laws, these laws would prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Less human violations would occur because there would not be any “pimps”, instead a fair industry where all sex workers receive the fair share. Prostitution should be legalized to tax for the services provided, improve the health requirements, and better the lives of sex workers by eliminating “Pimps”.
Currently, prostitution is a dangerous occupation because it’s dangerous in the sense of medical and health issues for …show more content…
These prostitutes could be helped with therapy and rehab. This will help to prevent unprotected sex, and the spread of STDs. Another thing that legalizing prostitution will do for the prostitutes is that they could be employed by legitimate business people who may offer them benefits like medical insurance. This will benefit the prostitute and their families and make their lives a lot easier. It will also make it a lot easier for them to get the required medical checkups.
One positive thing about legalizing prostitution for the government is that money will be save and maybe even make money for our country. All businesses have to pay taxes, with prostitution being illegal “all the money being made is flying under the radar “(Coehn). If it were legal, the government would be able to tax the money that is being made through the business of prostitution. Prostitutes would have to pay taxes just like every other official …show more content…
Some prostitutes use the money they get paid to help their families. Nobody should really judge a prostitute because it is none of his or her business. For those who enjoy their profession and who feel no shame about what they are doing, they should not be judged for their job. It’s the body of a prostitutes let her do whatever she wants.
Works Cited
Baba. "Should Prostitution Be Legalized in the US?" World of Female. World of Female, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. .
Chittom, Lynn-noore, and Cheryl Bourassa. "Prostitution Should Be Legalized." Points of View Reference Center. N.p., 2911. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. .
Hart, Kyle. "Prostitution Should Be Legal considering Our Constitutional Rights." Daily Barometer. College Publishes, 3 May 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. .
Hoehn, Robert. "Why Prostitution Should Be Legalized in the United States." Yahoo. Yahoo, 22 Oct. 2007. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. .
Nakashima, Rita. "Why Prostitution Should Be Decriminalized." AlterNet. Bicreative, 3 Oct. 2008. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. .
Robert. "Should Prostitution Be Legal?" Publish Your Articles. Publish Your Articles, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.