The “Canadian Prostitution Laws” can be changed to require condoms, strict, regular health checks and HIV testing. One great example of decreasing HIV from legalizing prostitution is in Nevada. Since mandatory HIV tests began in 1986, no prostitute from a brothel has ever tested positive for HIV ("Legal Prostitution in Nevada". This is good for customers because brothel owners can be held liable if any of their customers become HIV positive. The “Canadian Prostitution Laws” that are present right now and how they are utilized push sex workers into situations that put their health at risk by possibly exposing themselves to the HIV virus. Since prostitution should be treated like any other consensual, in-demand, and legitimate service, Canada should legalize prostitution and establish better laws to protect sex …show more content…
Since prostitution is one of the biggest industries in the world ("Prostitution: The 'World's Oldest' and Most Dangerous Profession". 2011-11-12), legalizing prostitution would serve as a source of government revenue. “Estimates place annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $100million”(“Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” Keeping it illegal will only allow gangs, the mafia, pimps and any other form of organized crime to continue to benefit from it. This is a huge revenue that could go to the government instead if Canada legalizes it. For instance, the average annual income of a sex worker at one Nevada brothel working only one week per month is at least $100,000 (“Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” Based on this number, each legally licensed sex worker would contribute more than $20,000 in income taxes per year. Hypothetically speaking, if there are approximately a few thousands sex workers in Canada, the tax revenue can be generated as high as millions dollars per year by this