Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by long, thin, motile spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira, family Leptospiraceae, and order Spirochaetales. These spirochetes are finely coiled, thin, motile, obligate, slow-growing anaerobes. Their flagella allow them to burrow into tissue. More recent work has identified 7 distinct species of pathogenic leptospires, which appear as more than 250 serologic variants (serovars). They may be free-living or associated with animal hosts and survive well in freshwater, soil, and mud areas where they can live for weeks or months. They can thrive in hot, humid environments but not in acidic environments. They are primarily contained in the genital and urinary tract. The disease is known as the most common zoonosis in the world, that is, it is the most common disease carried by animals and affects animals, including humans. The incidence varies from sporadic in temperate zones to endemic in a few tropical countries. The disease is often referred to as swineherd’s disease, or swamp fever, mud fever, Icterohemorrhagic fever, Rice-field fever, Cane-cutter fever, Hemorrhagic jaundice, Stuttgart disease, or Canicola fever.
Wild mammals are known to be the main reservoir of the leptospiral serovars. About 160 mammals including fats, skunks, raccoon, and cattle, have been termed as vectors or carriers of the disease. Rats are considered to be the most important reservoir. Transmission occurs by contamination of soil, water, or vegetation by urine excreted from infected animals. Humans can become infected upon contact of the contaminated material with abraded skin, mucous membranes such as conjunctiva or alimentrary tract, or ingestion of the contaminated material. Occasionally, the organism may even enter the body through intact skin. Infection has occurred after animal and rodent bites, after contact with abortion products of infected
References: http://www.cdc.gov/leptospirosis/infection/index.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptospirosis http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/788751-overview#a0101 http://aeneary.myweb.uga.edu/lepto.htm http://www.medicinenet.com/leptospirosis/article.htm http://www.emedicine.medscape.com http://www.cdc.gov http://www.who.int http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001376.htm