There are many things that I will be looking at in this discussion. I will start by giving an outline before describing how I would teach body parts using the PPP Lesson.
Some of the methods/approaches that I have used in this lesson plan include:
a) The Direct Method- In the form of oral drills and repetition.
b) Natural Approach- To create an atmosphere that will lower the students filter effect.
c) Total Physical Response- Using ice-breakers/warm ups related to the topic, doing actions together.
d) Communicate Language Teaching- The purpose of this is to ensure that students communicate opinions regarding a topic that will help them in the real world. Students will be required to use this during the production phase.
e) Task-Based- Completing task base activities where students will acquire more knowledge and learn more of the language through interaction.
Another factor that I would like to establish or clarify that even though we all are dealing with the level of students who are beginners the added in factor for me to consider is the age group of my students. I would like to point out that the age group that I would consider is between 9-11 years old.
Before I describe my lesson plan according to the PPP outline I will clarify my objectives, type, vocabulary, level, materials that I will be using, preparation time, time to complete this module/ section, interaction and potential problems:
Objective/s: Students will be able to use new vocabulary words correctly including pronunciation and spelling of various body parts. Students will also communicate through group interaction and discussions.
Type: Activities on body parts & our five senses
Vocabulary: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hands, see, hear, taste, smell, and feel
Levels: Beginners-Ages nine to eleven
Materials: Visual aids, handouts, items in the classrooms, color paper/chats, magazine/internet pictures (cuttings) and soft music in the