Lesson Plan Critique Form for Team A
As you review the lesson plan, identify strengths and weaknesses in each of the following areas. Detailed comments are helpful for understanding how to improve lessons. Use the MTE/518 Lesson Plan Rubric as your guide for quality planning.
Each member of our team was able to review and identify strengths and weaknesses on each other’s lesson plan rough draft as indicated below:
Andrew Carson – Andrea Isder
Andrea Isder – Sharen Smith
Carmen Montanez – Dennissa Glass
Dennissa Glass – Carmen Montanez
Sharen Smith – Andrew Carson
1. Objectives and Performance Tasks
Andrew Carson: Objectives are clearly stated and appropriately aligned to the activities for the students to easily obtained and understood. The lesson plan clearly states what the students will be doing.
Andrea Isder: The objectives are …show more content…
Content Knowledge
Andrew Carson: The lesson plan includes the content knowledge that the students will need and use in order to master skill. I like that this activity will help with their physical development and ensure that the student’s stay active.
Andrea Isder: The lesson plan includes the content knowledge that the kindergarteners will need, and possess by the end of the overall lesson. I like the idea of having a goal past this lesson to use in the future in other subject in the class like writing/language arts for the students to be able to sound out and write out what the different shapes are that they are learning.
Carmen Montanez: The content knowledge is understood in this lesson. There is a worksheet that the students will complete following the lesson and the students will answer those questions correctly.
Dennissa Glass: This lesson plan demonstrates competence in fundamental concepts of life skills, and science. Uses presentation and demonstration to teach science, build student understanding for personal and social applications, and to convey the nature of