Example Daily Lesson Plan
Subject: English Date: ______________________
Grade: 8-__ Teacher: __________________
I. Unit: Reading - Short Story “Seventh Grade”
II. Sub-Topic: Elements of the short story
III. Key Concepts:
• Character = Person performing the action in a work of fiction.
• Protagonist = Character who is clearly central to the story and takes part of all the major events.
• Setting = The time and location in which a story takes place.
• Plot = How the author arranges events to develop his basic idea; it is a sequence of events in a story or play.
• Point of view = The angle from which the story is told.
IV. Skill: Identifying elements of the short story
V. Value: Punctuality (Pillar 3: Responsibility) (This will be presented in the value of the day at the beginning of the class).
VI. Teaching Model: ECA Phase: Application
VII. Teaching Strategies: Discussion, individual work
VIII. Teaching Across the Curriculum: N/A
IX. Content Standard(s): Reading, Listening/Speaking
X. Grade Level Expectations:
▪ R.8.3 Distinguishes main from supporting characters…explains setting, distinguishes between first and second person point of view.
▪ L/S.8.1 Listens and responds… and relates to character and setting…
XI. Learning Objectives:
A. Through a socialize discussion at the beginning of the class, the students with the help of the teacher will:
▪ Discuss and reflect on the topic of punctuality and the importance of being responsible with school work.( DOK Level II / Attitudinal)
B. . Having read the short story “Seventh Grade”, the students will:
▪ discuss the meaning of the key concepts: setting, plot, characters, protagonist and point of view in all their parts. ( DOK Level II/ Conceptual)
▪ recall the events in the short story precisely and read the last part of the story (DOK Level I/ Procedural)
▪ identify correctly the setting, plot, characters, protagonist