University of Phoenix
Lessons Learned Paper
In the beginning of the residency, I was defiantly apprehensive about meeting new people and engaging in this new environment. Since that point both my view and perception has significantly changed. In addition to meeting a host of new students, I was finally able to put faces to the names that I have been communicating with in many of my previous courses. This experience has fostered some new friendships’ and the rekindling some that were created in past learning teams.
Initially the greatest surprise was how the instructor defused the evident and seemingly palpable tension that was caused by the collective anxiety of his students adapting to this new learning environment. This element combined with the use of icebreaking activities helped to remove my hesitation to communicate and become a proactive contributing member of the class. On this first day, I was overwhelmed by my fellow student’s presentations because I am not employed by a large organization. Never less, I feel that my insight and objectivity was a valuable contribution to the class. I also felt appreciated with the abundant need for assistance with technology.
One of the most effective skills that I have refined during my time here is time management. Through the learning team presentations and mutual discussions, I have found new and better ways to manage my time effectively. This experience assisted our learning team in making the most of our time together. Jacobs and Hyman (2009) state that keeping a log and creating a study plan is the best way to start a course. In addition, a student can use this log and plan to better plan out the best times to work on upcoming assignments. The first thing I plan to do when I get home is to schedule out my study and homework time so I do not become overwhelmed in my next course. I feel
References: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121–180). The meditations of Marcus Aurelius. trans. by George Long. Vol. II, Part 3. The Harvard Classics. New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1909–14; Bartleby.com, 2001. www.bartleby.com/2/3/. Jacobs, Hyman (2009). How to balance your college course load and homework (and still Have a life). Usnews.com. retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/professors-guide/2009/10/14/top-12-time-management-tips