Journal Entry 1
Today I began training for the cadet RFL (Regular Fitness Level) The RFL consists of a 2.4k run, and as many push ups and sit ups as you can manage afterwards. The run should take a maximum of 15 mins, with the record being 7 minutes, My fastest time is 12:30, but today I did it in 14, So I need to work on that. (I skipped the push up and sit ups, so I will need to add that into my training)
I just got back on Sunday from staffing a three day leadership course with the cadet forces. I marked cadets on leadership tasks, drill lessons, squad handling and presentations.
Here are the quotes from the English book I’m working on, I find them interesting;
Be observant – take note of the things that you 'notice'. The things that stand out. - Kate de Goldi
'Writing is more about seeing then writing.' - Glen Colquhoun
Some ideas....
Read and write a lot – rewrite great pieces of writing or write your own version.
9 April 2014
Journal Entry 2
There is a list of 'sentence starters' in unit 4A of the booklet I'm working on, so I might as well use them, I think I'll just start from the top and use one per day.
'If only I could....'
If I only I could keep my room clean, I love having a clean room, but I never have time to clean it, what with Alpha, TeKura, work and volunteer stuff.
I spent half an hour this morning picking up the floor so at least its safe to walk in now, but I still find the mess terribly distracting.
I'm going to pause here and come back after cadets this evening, as not much as happened so far today.
PAUSE Actually I need to do a pic entry thing...
So I will do picture f. A story of the bull with evil eyes.
The crowd was wild, this was the sixth bull so far and they had all proved to be uninteresting and weak, but this was about to change.
'The Bull with evil eyes' his eyes glow with an inner fire, he smells the