Strategy and the Master Budget
10-1 Emerson Electric Company © Joseph San Miguel, reprinted with permission.
10-2 LetsGo Travel Trailers (Source: “LetsGo Travel Trailers: A Case for Incorporating the New Model of the Organization into the Teaching of Budgeting,” by Sally Wright, Cases from Management Accounting Practice, Vol. 14, Montvale, NJ: Institute of Management Accountants, 1998). Note that part 2 of this case requires the use of Excel.
10-3 Building Processes for a Solid Foundation: The Case of Community Health Initiatives (Source: Sandra Richtermeyer, Strategic Finance, August 2007, pp. 52-57. Note: this case was the case used as the 2008 IMA Student Case Competition. The Student Case Competition is sponsored annually by the IMA to provide an opportunity for students to interpret, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate a solution to a management accounting problem.)
10-4 Academic Advising at Bay State (Source: Janice E. Bell and Shahid L. Ansari, Strategic Finance, September 2008, pp. 44-51. Note: this case was the case used as the 2009 IMA Student Case Competition. The Student Case Competition is sponsored annually by the IMA to provide an opportunity for students to interpret, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate a solution to a management accounting problem.)
10-1: “How to Set Up a Budgeting and Planning System” by Robert N. West and Amy M. Snyder, Management Accounting (January 1997), pp. 18-20, 22, 24.
This article demonstrates the setting up of a budgeting and planning system for Penn Fuel Gas Inc., a public utility holding company that provides natural gas storage and transportation services. It stresses the need to review the chart of accounts, account classification and the reporting system of the firm. The discussion includes factors to be considered in the budgeting process and moves to update its current accounting information system.
Discussion Questions: