Candidate name:
Assessor name:
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Observed by your Assessor
Seen by Expert Witness
Seen by Witness
Self / Reflective Account
Professional Discussion
Learning outcome Assessment criteria
I work as Locality Co-ordinator for NALS, based at The Gatehouse in Hexham.
My role is varied and no two days are the same, however predominantly I manage the building on a daily basis, dealing with the public, clients, tutors and any other persons who access the building.
I ensure safe working practices/classrooms in accordance with Northumberland County Council policies as well as working closely with the Locality Manager to ensure the smooth running of centre/courses. I also deal with any issues as and when they should arise.
I contribute to the development of the service and monitor client attendance. I provide information, advice and guidance to clients enquiring about courses/finance as well as advising enrolled clients about choices for progression routes
Where I am not able to help a client directly I can refer or signpost them for specialist help.
I have provided information and advice to a support worker enquiring on the behalf of a client who is supported in the community, the client volunteers in a local charity shop but struggles with reading.
I referred the client to the NALS brochure which she had with her at the time. I drew her attention to the free Functional Skills English class which takes place on a Tuesday with tutor Ged, which covers both reading and writing. I explained that an assessment would have to be carried out to ascertain the client's level. I arranged for a time and date on which the client could be assessed with a view to her potentially beginning the course.
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