Appropriate attention to our inner nature can help us develop inner consciousness and that can guide one to realize one’s purpose of being or existence .this can only happen if they are able to integrate their different slaves-a ‘whole person’.”(p.19)
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo is being the main source behind the construction of this model which has previously being an inspiration to many perennial philosophers and thinkers in the field of integrality and holistic enquiry . In the next part of the chapter we would like to focus upon the main concepts which has served the foundation and acted as the originators of this …show more content…
Sacchidananda (Brahman, the transcendent Divine)
2. Supermind (the self-determining infinite consciousness)
3. Overmind (cosmic consciousness, plane of the Gods and Goddesses)
4. Intuitive Mind
5. Illumined Mind
6. Higher Mind
7. Mind (with several layers)
8. Vital (with higher, middle, and lower subdivisions)
9. Subtle Physical
10. Physical proper (usually refers to the body)
11. Subconscient (individual and universal ‘‘unconscious’’ of psychology)
12. Inconscient (matter proper and existential Non-Being)
In addition to this vertical scale of consciousness, Sri Aurobindo also describes a concentric dimension of consciousness, which he refers to as ‘‘parts of the being.’’
The major parts of the being are listed below, from most interior on the left to most exterior on the right:
Inmost Being Inner Being Outer Being
Psychic being
(evolving soul) Inner mental Mental (cognitive) Inner vital Vital (affective)
Inner physical Physical (biological)
Source: Adopted from Miovic (2003)
Between the psychic being (evolving soul) and the inner being stands the Purusha, or pure witness consciousness that people sometimes experience in meditation, while behind the psychic being stand the Jivatman and Atman (nonevolving